Grass Fed Beef

Chapman Creek Cattle Company

The Kansas Grassfed Beef Company does business as the Chapman Creek Cattle Company. We finish all of our grassfed beef cattle the old fashioned way--at pasture. All of our beef is certified grassfed by the American Grassfed Association. Our mission is to provide the highest quality grassfed beef to our customers

The Kansas Grassfed Beef Company does business as the Chapman Creek Cattle Company. Our mission is to provide the highest quality grassfed beef to our customers. All of our beef is certified grassfed by the American Grassfed Association, “From the Land of Kansas” and USDA inspected. We sell all of our grassfed beef by the side.
The Chapman Creek Cattle Company is owned by Clark and Susan Duffy. Our ranch is located in the western edge of the Flint Hills on Chapman Creek near Abilene. We also work with Dean Bosse who owns the Indian Creek Cattle Company in the northern Flint Hills near Wheaton and other Flint Hills ranchers. Our mailing address is to our office in Topeka.
Our certified grassfed beef is naturally lean, yet tender and flavorful, something only a truly natural product can provide. Certified grassfed beef has a firm texture and distinctively rich flavor you are sure to enjoy.
We select only the finest calves and nurture them in our native pastures. These cattle never receive antibiotics or hormones and are finished on our native pastures. They are never fed grain or in a feedlot environment. All of our cattle are processed and dry-aged to your specifications.
Certified grassfed beef is the delicious healthy choice. Cattle that eat just grass have higher ratios of omega fatty acids that actually reduce the risk of health problems. Only fish and olive oil have higher ratios of omega fatty acids than grassfed beef. A healthy acid known as CLA is formed in the rumen of one of the stomachs of cattle when they only eat grass. The primary benefit of CLA is converting human body fat into lean muscle. This quality is what makes our grassfed beef so popular with our CrossFit athletes.

E Mail:

Phone Number
1501 SW Boswell Ave, Topeka KS,66604
Dale Family Farms

The Dale family roots run deep in Comanche County. For over 100 years, the Dale family has earned their livelihood from the land. The foundation for this longevity has been and continues to be our forage resources of native grass and alfalfa coupled with a commitment to be good stewards of these resources. As we strive to remain sustainable, we understand that we must better utilize these resources through improved grazing practices and reduced reliance on fuel and equipment. Over the last few years, we have realized that letting our animals remain in their natural environment - doing what they do best, grazing - will be our key to sustainability and another 100 years for Dales on the family farm.

Phone Number
526 Ave. K, Protection KS, 67127
E & K Heritage Farm

We are a small family farm that practices regenerative agriculture by raising livestock though holistic management while improving soil health. We are currently offering grass-finished beef and lamb.

Contact name: Ethan Walker

How to Connect
Send us a message on Facebook ( or call/text to order a half or whole steer or lamb.
Phone Number
16924 Udall Rd. Altoona, KS
Graze The Prairie

We love our community! We are dedicated to being good stewards of the land and spreading awareness of good land stewardship and regenerative practices. Our goal is to work with nature to provide the best quality products to our customers. We don't want our food to come from pastures treated with chemical fertilizer, or from animals that have been given antibiotics or growth hormones. We know you feel the same way.

When we use the term 'Grass Fed' it means the animals are never fed grain or concentrates. Our animals are on pasture year-round. Mineral Supplement, clean water, and high-quality stored forages (hay) and Organic Alfalfa Pellets is substituted for feeding during the winter months if needed.

Holistically planned grazing mimics the movement of the animals that historically lived on the prairie and is in concert with how the prairie evolved. This provides our animals with the best life possible and helps preserve the remaining tall-grass prairie.

Contact name: Linda Pechin-Long

Facebook Page:


How to Connect
We attend the Kansas Grown Inc. and Old Town Farm and Market every week. We offer weekly and monthly meat subscriptions that we will deliver to your door (or office) .
We also offer weekly home or office deliveries in Wichita and surrounding areas with FREE with a minimum purchase of $35.00. Order from our online store.
Phone Number
408 West Blaine, Latham, KS
Janzen Family Farms

We are a diversified livestock and grain operation east of Newton, Kansas that utilizes sustainable practices, including organic crop production. We sell 100% grass-fed beef from our Angus herd, pastured year-round on native prairie, cool-season grasses, winter forage and stubble fields. We also produce and market certified organic wheat, milo, and soybeans.

How to Connect
Please contact us at for delivery, or meet us at the Kansas Grown Farmers Market in Wichita on Saturdays at 21st & Ridge.
Phone Number
15076 NW 180th St, Newton KS