
Golden Prairie Farm

Golden Prairie Farm is a small family owned farm located near Sedgwick, Ks. We grow a variety of vegetables, fruits, and flowers using organic methods, and raise pastured poultry for eggs, meat chickens, and pigs. We offer our produce and flowers through local farmers markets, restaurants, and on farm sales. We currently provide eggs and produce for The Beautiful Day Cafe and The Wine Dive. Like us on Facebook and/or follow us on Instagram (Golden_Prairie_Farm_Ks).

How to Connect
Find us at the Old Town Farmers' Market this summer. Like us on Facebook and/or follow us on Instagram (Golden_Prairie_Farm_Ks).
Phone Number
316.253.6610 316.641.4906
15914 SW 125th ST, Sedgwick, Ks
Griggs Bros. Farm Inc
Phone Number
Augusta Kansas
Kirkpatrick Family Farm

This is my second year farming in Wichita, KS. My wife and I moved here from Denver, CO to live a simpler life and raise a family. I've always have been passionate about growing so started grow natural food for family and friends. Before I knew it my garden had become more of a farm. I grow all sorts of vegetables and melon. Recently I have been growing gourmet mushrooms.

How to Connect
Call or message me on Facebook at
Phone Number
6121 N. Bella Rd, Wichita
Legacy GardenWorks

We are a non-profit youth employment program focused on giving urban youth the chance to grow food and improve their job skills. Together we tend a quarter-acre worth of land from vacant lots in South-Central Wichita and offer the produce to our CSA. Organic.

Contact name: Lauren Scislowski

How to Connect
Our CSA runs from May – October. Please send an email in April or early May to receive all the information and sign up. Tours and presentations about our program are also given regularly. Check the website/facebook page for info.

Instagram: @legacyworksict
945 S. Wichita, Wichita, KS 67213
Little Red Hen Ranch

Little Red Hen Ranch currently has a large garden in a residential area in the city of Newton. We rotate our crops every year and harvest water from the roof of the house to water the garden. The primary garden focus is tomatoes, okra, and the "3 Sisters" concept of interplanting corn/beans/squash and other basic garden produce.

How to Connect
Little Red Hen Ranch is a member of the Newton Farm and Art Market
Open Saturdays, May through October, 8 am till Noon!
For other orders or questions, please call or email me
Phone Number
617 Allison Newton KS 67114