Sponsored by the Adorers of the Blood of Christ Sisters. The garden is on convent grounds; please dress appropriately & show respect for the sisters.
Fees: $10 for a 20' x 30' plot., gardeners provide their own tools & hoses.
Communal garden for advocates; a few plots available to be rented to neighbors. $10 fee
This is a newly planted butterfly and pollinator garden for the community to enjoy.
Sponsored by College Hill United Methodist. Neighborhood outreach communal garden; no charge for produce. Neighbors are encouraged to harvest what they want. Volunteers for weeding needed.
Sponsored by CORE. No fees. In heart of District 1 Wichita. Want community to come together and get to know each other. Food desert, resource for food insecurity. Donate produce to local food programs
No fees. Communal garden with 6 raised beds.
Sapphire Garcia Lies, sapphiregarcia@gmail.com
Facebook: CORE Gardens of Wichita Robin Rounds Memorial Garden