Growing Growers ICT
Apprenticeships are now available for 2023!
Apprenticeships with Growing Growers ICT are for those who desire a deeper knowledge of how to grow fruits and vegetables as a profitable business or effective garden project. Apprenticeship fees cover access to the online course, registration fees for farm tours, books and resources, and more. In addition to the hands-on experience, you’ll also get one-on-one time with your mentor to learn what happens behind-the-scenes. Get matched with a local host farm where your apprenticeship can be paid or volunteer and range from full-time to just a few hours a week. The apprenticeship will be customized just for YOU!
How to apply:
If you’d just like to learn more and start a conversation with program staff, start by filling out our Initial Interest From. Participants interested in an apprenticeship should apply to be an through the online application. They should browse the list of host farms to see if any spark their interest or seem like a good match. Once a host farm and an apprentice have decided to pair up for the growing season, they will be asked to complete and submit an agreement form – like a contract, but more so that everyone is on the same page regarding expectations for the season.
What to expect:
By working alongside your host farmer, you’ll gain practical, hands-on knowledge about specific growing techniques, equipment they use, processes that help them track planting and harvesting schedules, and more. These hours that you spend working for your host farmer may be paid or unpaid – each host farm has a different situation. Regardless, there’s no substitute in farming for actually getting down in the dirt to see how things work.
All apprentices are encouraged to participate in the Online Course as well as attend as many Farm Tours as possible. Host farms are also encouraged to attend as they are available – there is no additional cost for apprentices or host farms to attend workshops and farm tours.
There is a $250 participation fee for apprentices. This fee covers program and workshop costs and many resource materials that will be provided over the course of the program. The fee can be paid in installments, and there are a limited amount of program scholarships available.

Contact Kinzie Kirkland, program manager:
(316) 660-0145 |