Time is money, right? It’s a finite resource that, when used properly, expresses our values in a powerful way. When you spend your time (or money) supporting a cause, it is like casting a vote for a change in your community.
As a small networking organization, the ICT Food Circle doesn’t currently require much funding to run (some funding, but not much!). What we do rely on is the time our volunteers put in to making our voice heard.

Mikel presenting at Exploration Place for 1Million Cups Event in June.
By this time, you might be familiar with the ICT Food Circle founder, Mikel Bowyer, who constantly stays busy promoting the Food Circle and the continued development of our local food system. In addition to his efforts, the ICT Food Circle is made up of passionate volunteers who attend events and community action meetings, and who make every day decisions about how they, too, can make their vote count. Blog-writers, video marketers, event attendees – we are an organization of believers who spend their time helping us make “local and healthy” look good.
Why I Volunteer for the Food Circle

Sara Greenlee, Volunteer Since 2015
I believe that my time spent promoting local, healthy eating with the ICT Food Circle is vital in creating a stronger community and local economy. I spend money on local and organic food where I can as a way to cast my vote for a sustainable and local food system. In addition to money spent, my time spent with the Food Circle is an expression of this lifestyle and of love for my hometown.
Turning Your Values into Community Action
If we’ve learned anything since the ICT Food Circle began, it’s that Wichita has all the elements of a growing food hub: growing consumer interest in all things green, more locally sourced retailers and restauranteurs, and farmers waiting for buyer commitment. We just need to bring these elements together. That’s where the ICT Food Circle comes in. If you want to know how you can get involved:
- Write a Blog for the Food Circle. Share your love for local by reporting goings on at local events, restaurants, or on the farm. Help us celebrate our community’s food producers by promoting local. Email Sara at ictfoodcircle@gmail.com if you want to learn more.
- Lead a Video Project for the Food Circle. What better way to capture the voice of Wichita, than to capture it on film? We’re looking for someone to lead a fun and engaging video street interviews project. Email ictfoodcircle@gmail.com to discuss this with the Food Circle team.
- Show off your gardening skills in the 2016 Wheelbarrow Planter Competition.
Show off your creativity in celebration for local farmers. Help us fund this festival and future events. Check out the contest details here. - Volunteer at the Farmer Festival. We’re in need of folks to attend the information table, help direct foot traffic through the hayride, attend the kids activities table – and MORE. Stay all day – or only for a couple hours! If you’re interested, visit our sign-up page.
- Be a Vendor at the Farmer Festival. What would a celebration for farmers be without our farmers?!? In fact, Vending is free for farmers! Visit our Vendor Sign-up to find out more.